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Upgrading your customised MYOB forms
This knowledgebase article has been updated with video tutorials that cover installation of the newer versions of ABSS Accounting and ABSS Premier.
The next step is to upgrade your customised forms.
This tutorial applies to both MYOB Accounting and MYOB Premier.
Note that although we have covered upgrading your company file first, and then forms after, the order is not important.
You can upgrade them in any order.
The custom forms, reports, letters and spreadsheets that you created in your previous version of MYOB are not copied to your new MYOB application folder when you install the new version.
After you have installed the newer version of your product, the forms, etc are the default ones that come with MYOB and not the ones you created or customised.
To copy over and upgrade those forms, use the MYOB Templates Upgrade Assistant to help you.
The MYOB Templates Upgrade Assistant can be found in your new MYOB installation folder.
For example, if you have just upgraded from MYOB Accounting v21 to MYOB Accounting v23, then browse to the C:\Accounting23 folder, and locate the file TemplatesUpgrader.exe. Double click on it to start the process.

In the Welcome screen, click Next.
Click the Browse button to locate your previous version of MYOB.
This is usually in your C drive.
For example, if you are upgrading from MYOB Accounting v21, the browse to and open the C:\Accounting21 folder.
Next, look for and select the Myob.exe in that folder and click the Open button.
The newer version of MYOB would already be displayed in the Destination field as shown in the image below.

Click the Start button.
MYOB will perform 2 tasks:
- Backup the pre-installed forms to a folders named Old Custom, Old Forms, Old Graphics and Old Letters, then,
- Copy over the forms from the old version
When completed, you will see the screen below.
Click the Finish button.

If you are using MYOB Premier, you would need to upgrade forms on each of the computers, or upgrade on one computer, then copy the new forms to the other computers.
That’s it!
You have completed the process of upgrading to the newer version of MYOB and can start using it.